
… if and only if …

… if and only if …



1)… if and only if …,……的充要条件是……2)sufficient and necessary condition for solvability,可解的充要条件3)necessary and sufficient conditions,必要充分的条件4)A Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Knowledge,知识的充要条件5)Sufficient and necessary conditions,充要条件6)necessary and sufficient condition,充要条件

汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)行业英语频道为您提供……的充要条件是……的英文是… if and only if …,… if and only if …的意思,… if and only if …是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询… if and only if …缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考


A Comparison of Sufficient and Necessary Conditions and Prototypic Theory in Semantic Analysis;充要条件与原型理论释义功能之比较rlx汉语字典

The sufficient and necessary conditions of the multiobjective fractional programming (VFP) for (F,ρ)-invariant convex function was discussed in reference.在文献[1]中,讨论了(F,ρ)-不变凸函数条件下,多目标分式规化(VFP)的充要条件。rlx汉语字典

sufficient and necessary conditions for weak law of large numbers in stochastic sense are given.本文讨论随机大数定律 ,得到随机变量序列服从随机弱大数定律的充要条件。rlx汉语字典

The convex function and its necessary and sufficient condition;函数的凸性及其判别的充要条件rlx汉语字典

Another Two Forms of Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Differentiable Complex Function;复变函数可微性充要条件的另两种形式rlx汉语字典

Necessary and Sufficient Condition and Appliction of Differentiable Complex Function;复变函数可微的又一充要条件及其应用rlx汉语字典

A sufficient and necessary condition for Hamilton graph;Hamilton图的一个充要条件rlx汉语字典

The several necessary and sufficient conditions of Lebesgue integral;Lebesgue积分的几个充要条件rlx汉语字典

A Sufficient Condition about Convergence Uniform of Function and a Sufficient and Necessary Condition about Convergence of Positive Series;函数列一致收敛的一个充分条件和正项级数收敛的一个充要条件rlx汉语字典

Study Enough-Requirement of Li-Yorke Chaos;Li-Yorke混沌的充要条件的研究rlx汉语字典

Sufficient and Necessory Conditions of the Weak Pareto-extension Rule in Group Decision Making;群体决策中弱Pareto扩展规则的充要条件rlx汉语字典

The Condition of Equivalence and Implication for the Existence of the First Class Integrating Factor;一类积分因子存在的充要条件及应用rlx汉语字典

One Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Two Polynomial Having Common Roots;两个多项式有公共根的一个充要条件rlx汉语字典

A Sufficient and Necessary Condition of Pufa Equation to Possess Integral Factor;普法方程有积分因子的一个充要条件rlx汉语字典

A New necessary and Sufficient Condition of Lebesgue Integral;Lebesgue积分的一个新的充要条件rlx汉语字典

A sufficient and necessary condition for equitable k-coloring of caterpillars;毛虫树可均匀k-着色的一个充要条件rlx汉语字典

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Equivalent Linear Systems and Its Applications;线性方程组等价的充要条件及其应用rlx汉语字典

A Comparison of Sufficient and Necessary Conditions and Prototypic Theory in Semantic Analysis;充要条件与原型理论释义功能之比较rlx汉语字典

The necessary and sufficient condition of the l~∞ spaces and L~∞ spaces is reparabled in the L_((M)) space;l~∞及L~∞在L_((M))中可补的充要条件rlx汉语字典

A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Continuity of the Sum of Series;和函数S(z)连续的一个充要条件rlx汉语字典

Square Graph: Necessary Condition for Hamilton Graph;方格图是Hamilton图的一个充要条件rlx汉语字典

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of One Infinite Singular Point of Quadratic Systems;(E_2)恰有一个无穷远奇点的充要条件rlx汉语字典

A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for a Matrix Forming a Latin Square;矩阵M_(rs)成为n阶拉丁方的充要条件rlx汉语字典

Several Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of the Demicontinuity and the Continuity of the Real Valued Function;实函数半连续、连续的某些充要条件rlx汉语字典