
type [of entire function]

type [of entire function]



1)type [of entire function],[整函数的]型2)type of entire function,整函数的型3)zheng,整4)the clausal pivot,整整5)whole adjusting,整体调整6)documentation and concordancy,整理整合7)entire normalization,整体规整8)whole-part-whole,整-分-整9)whole stole only take,整存整取10)consolidating party and retification,整党整风

汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)行业英语频道为您提供[整函数的]型的英文是type [of entire function],type [of entire function]的意思,type [of entire function]是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询type [of entire function]缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考


This article mainly focuses on the analysis of the grammars and functions of the word "zheng" and has a comparison between "gao","nong" in putonghua."整"在东北方言中具有极强的表现力,可以说是一个万能动词。b1i汉语字典

By analyzing several usage of Northeast dialectal character zheng in the serial resonant military music,this paper describes the character zheng s"universal" function.本文通过对电视连续剧军歌嘹亮中“整”字这一东北方言词的用例说明,揭示了“整”字在东北方言中所具有的“万能”功能。b1i汉语字典

According to petroleum geology evolution of several typical Tertiary basins in the east of China, the process of basin evolution may be divided into three stages of whole descending, whole ascending and whole adjusting.从我国东部几个典型的第三系含油气盆地石油地质演化出发,将盆地石油地质演化过程分为整体下降、整体上升和整体调整3个阶段。b1i汉语字典

The framework of resources sharing and utilization was presented,problems and solutions in documentation and concordancy of forage germplasm resource.简要介绍了国家多年生牧草圃概况及资源保存状况,阐述了多年生牧草圃资源整理、整合及数字化表达现状,提出了资源共享利用的框架;指出了在牧草资源整理整合中存在的问题及对策。b1i汉语字典

By scaling output scores,entire normalization aims to normalize all the score distributions to be similar.本文提出了一种新的评分规整方法-整体规整。