
genus [of entire function]

genus [of entire function]



1)genus [of entire function],[整函数的]亏格2)deficiency of a spline,样条函数的亏格3)deficiency of splines,样条函数亏格4)genus of algebraic number field,代数数域的亏格5)genus of algebraic curve,代数曲线的亏格6)defective function,亏函数

汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)行业英语频道为您提供[整函数的]亏格的英文是genus [of entire function],genus [of entire function]的意思,genus [of entire function]是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询genus [of entire function]缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考


In this paper,the relative deficiency of meromorphic functions with defective functions is studied and some results of the relative deficiency of meromorphic functions spread to defective function.该文研究了整函数和亚纯函数涉及亏函数的相对亏量,将Singh关于亚纯函数相对亏量的结果推广到亏函数的情况,主要得到了下面的一些关系式:(1)○H(k)r(A(Z),f)≤2-{δ(0,f)+○H(∞,f)}A(Z)0,∞;(2)δ(k)r(∞,f)≤32-12{δ(0,f)+δ(A(Z),f)},A(Z)0,∞;(3)如果δ(0,f)=δ(∞,f)=1,则○H(k)r(A(Z),f)=0。VIc汉语字典

Deficient Functions of a Class of Random Dirichlet Series;一类随机Dirichlet级数的亏函数VIc汉语字典

On the Deficient Functions, the Singular Directions and Normal Family Theory for Meromorphic Functions;亚纯函数的亏函数、奇异方向和正规族理论VIc汉语字典

Elliptic Genera and Theta Functions Identities;椭圆亏格及theta函数的恒等式VIc汉语字典

Infinite-Order Meromorphic Functions with Maximal Sum of Quasi-Deficiencies具有极值拟亏量和的无穷级亚纯函数VIc汉语字典

The Analysis of Linear Profit-Loss Balance under the Condition of Cobb-Douglas Productive Function;柯布一道格拉斯生产函数条件下的线性盈亏平衡分析VIc汉语字典

In this paper, we researches the sum of U( r)- relative deficiency of meromorphic functions, which generalize.本文我们主要研究亚纯函数导数的U()相对亏量和,得到一些推广结果.VIc汉语字典

bring the majority of money-losing firms into the black使大多数亏损企业扭亏为盈VIc汉语字典

g-Functions, Weak Base g-Functions and Applications of Cardinal Functions;g-函数,弱基g-函数及基数函数的应用VIc汉语字典

position function位置函数,坐标函数VIc汉语字典

functional type experiment函数型实验 函数型实验VIc汉语字典

stress functions and displacement functions应力函数和位移函数VIc汉语字典

Henstock integrable function and staircase function;Henstock可积函数与阶梯函数VIc汉语字典

multichannel quantum defect theory多通道量子数亏损理论VIc汉语字典

The logarithmic function is defined as the inverse of the exponential function.对数函数是作为指数函数的反函数来定义的。VIc汉语字典

functional form of linear function线性函数的泛函形式VIc汉语字典

Real Variable Function & Functional Analysis实变函数与泛函分析VIc汉语字典

Every function whose derivative is linear is a quadratic function.任意一个导数为线性函数的函数都是二次函数。VIc汉语字典

An exponential function is one in which the variable appears in an exponent.指数函数是指数中出现变量的函数。VIc汉语字典