

APEDAAgricultural & Processed Food Export Development Authority


英文全文:Agricultural & Processed Food Export Development Authority


缩写简介:http://www.apeda.com/ Since APEDA draws its strength from these five elements, it has evolved into the sixth element. If you use the sixth element-APEDA judiciously, you can magically find the harmony you need for success. APEDA- Stands for the Agricultural and processed Food Products Export Development Authority. APEDA is an autonomous organization attached to the Ministry of Commerce of the Government of India. The main function of APEDA is to build links between Indian producers and the global markets. APEDA undertakes the briefing of potential sources on government policy and producers. Along with providing referred services and suggesting suitable partners for joint ventures. Besides arranging buyer-seller meets.


汉语字典(www.zxzidian.com)英文缩写大全频道为您提供印度农业与加工食品出口发展管理局的英文缩写是APEDA,缩写APEDA的英文全称是Agricultural & Processed Food Export Development Authority、中文解释是印度农业与加工食品出口发展管理局,APEDA的意思,APEDA是什么意思等内容,如果您正在查询APEDA缩写的全称、翻译、解释等信息,本页内容可供您参考